Vision and mission of the faculty
The Faculty of Physical Education and Sports is a higher education institution renowned for its professionalism, integrity, quality teaching, and scientific research. It creates and upholds quality standards, encourages staff and student mobility and the advancement of academic careers, It expands the field of partners and joins the European higher education network in line with market and economic demands.
The Faculty of Physical Education and Sports is a public institution of higher education in Kosovo and an academic unit of the University of Prishtina that focuses on teaching and applied scientific research in the field of physical education and sports.
The goal of FPES is to deliver a high-quality education while putting the needs of the student first. Its aim is to train, qualify, and prepare teachers and professional staff by providing them with the opportunity to gain knowledge and complex skills that will increase their competitiveness in the fields of physical education and other branches of sports science, as well as on the local, regional, and international labor markets. FPES concentrates its educational and research profile on the needs of the nation and on the training and lifelong learning of professionals in the field of sports, offering quality lectures, exercises, practical field lessons, laboratory work for applied research, textbooks, priority research projects, as well as their long-term perspective. FPES cultivates and supports universal principles in order to help students realize their creative efforts and innovative ideas, develop into socially adept people with critical thinking abilities, and become responsible citizens.
From 2001–2008, FPES provided three-year basic studies (BA) and two-year master studies (MA), replacing the four-year basic programme and the two-year master programme, which were applied.
- Dekani i Fakultetit mirëpret Ambasadorin e Kosovës në Hungari në një takim të frytshëm dhe domethënës për edukimin fizik dhe sportin
- Dekani i Fakultetit të Edukimit Fizik dhe Sportit, Prof. Asst. Florian Miftari, në një intervistë për KosovaPress, ka shpalosur objektivat strategjike të fakultetit
- Vizita e Zëvendësministres së Ministrisë së Kulturës, Rinisë dhe Sporteve, Znj. Daulina Osmani, në Fakultetin e Edukimit Fizik dhe Sportit
- Vizita e Udhëheqësve të Fakultetit të Edukimit Fizik dhe Sportit në Ministrinë e Kulturës, Rinisë dhe Sportit